Publication Portfolio
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On top of front desk reception and a slew of minor writing tasks, I contributed to The S-R by writing stories for the features/arts and entertainment department.
I wrote a handful of concert reviews and human interest stories on tattoo culture, and I even had the privilege of interviewing Ray Luzier of Korn – then the COVID-19 pandemic hit and put a stop to such events. I penned my own video game-themed column, "Game On," from March 2020 to November 2023.
Review: Tool offers impeccable musicianship, eye-popping stage in ‘Fear Inoculum’ stop at the Arena
March 10, 2020
Following a handful of international festival appearances, Tool kicked off its “Fear Inoculum Tour” at the Spokane Arena on Monday night to a nearly sold-out venue with fans converging from all across the Inland Northwest.
“Spokane!” singer Maynard James Keenan shouted after Tool’s opening song. A loud applause followed, but Keenan teased, “That sounded like Wenatchee – let’s try that again.” A more thunderous applause ensued, and the band played on into the night.
Review: Energetic nü metal pioneers Korn sound better than ever at Spokane Arena
February 27, 2020
Korn, Breaking Benjamin and Bones UK played to a sizable crowd at the Spokane Arena on Wednesday night. Some two-thirds of the venue’s seats were filled and eager fans on the ground floor packed together like proverbial sardines. Like any energetic rock concert, as the night progressed the air became increasingly thick with the smell of sweat as bodies swayed and bounced to hard-hitting grooves and the wailing of distorted guitars.
Interview with Korn drummer Ray Luzier
February 23, 2020
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I contributed one freelance piece to "the UT"–a feature-length human interest story for their arts & entertainment section.
At Cow Records in Ocean Beach, one man keeps the vinyls spinning
June 23, 2017
In the heart of Ocean Beach, sandwiched between two pubs along bustling Newport Avenue, lies Cow Records. Pleasant tunes from numerous generations and genres fill the crisp, beachside air permeating the establishment. Some 5,000 records occupy the 1,100-square-foot space, lining the floors, shelves, walls and any other space that will accommodate them. A handful even dangle overhead, suspended by strings mounted to the ceiling above.

At esports news site DBLTAP, my 290+ articles have a collective 1.6 million views. I interned there before they hired me on as a freelance contributor.
They had me cover competitive multiplayer first-person shooter Overwatch. Some articles cover the esports side, others the gameplay or community itself, and others still are more akin to PR.
For this section of work, I have decided to highlight a few notable and varied articles. A list of my entire body of work for DBLTAP (over 290 articles) is available by clicking here.

Overwatch Player Poll: Over Half Prefer the Uprising Event
March 31, 2018
What's the common thread? Uprising and Halloween Terror are both players versus environment game events. For a game designed around player versus player combat, it seems Overwatch fans nevertheless enjoy what PvE can offer–smashing endless waves of foes together with their friends. As /r/Overwatch Discord user "Potato" put it, "PvE mode is really fun, and I have a lot of nice memories from playing it with my friends."

Everything to Know About the Voice of Sombra
August 19, 2017
Carolina Ravassa of Cali, Colombia, is an actress, voice actress and producer whose career is just beginning to take off with her role as Sombra in Overwatch. She is expertly multilingual and can speak in English with an almost unnoticeable Spanish accent if she chooses to.
Ravassa herself found and Tweeted the article, as seen here!

There's a Hanzo National Church in Brazil
July 11, 2017
Mognon chose to get creative by officially founding the "Hanzo National Church," which he calls, "a chain to worship the murderous archer of Overwatch."
"Overwatch has charismatic characters and large groups of fans on the internet, perfect factors for creating a Messiah," Mognon said in his article. Well, he's not wrong.
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I started as a staff writer at Point Loma Nazarene University's student newspaper The Point Weekly in the spring of 2017.
During my senior year, I worked as the Opinion Editor, although I continued contributing articles as a staff writer as well.
Our columns include News, Features, Sports, Arts & Entertainment and Opinion.
As Opinion Editor
Mental Health at PLNU / U.S.-North Korea Relations
April 25, 2018
Volume 47, Issue 11
To view the issue in print format, click the image.
Click for "On Mental Health at PLNU" and click for "Using History to Address the North Korean Issue."
Free Speech – Pro vs. Con
April 18, 2018
Volume 47, Issue 10
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As Staff Writer

Five Summer Video Games to Look Forward to
Arts & Entertainment
April 25, 2018
The Kingdom Hearts fanbase is a long-suffering one. While a plethora of spin-offs and remakes have been released continually, Kingdom Hearts II was released back in 2006. After 12 years, the wait will be over as the series finally receives a proper sequel.
This article was also reposted by news aggregate 1st Gamers.
The Importance of Op-Eds
April 25, 2018
Opinion-based journalism allows writers to cover topics in more depth, speaking partially from personal experience and free of the constraints imposed by a detached perspective. Op-eds allow writers and journalists to address the elephant in the room. Unlike the majority of blogs online, the goal is to publish informed opinions–not arbitrary ones.
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Prior to transferring, I was a staff writer at Azusa Pacific University's student newspaper The Clause in the fall of 2015.
Our columns included News, Lifestyle, Sports and Opinion.

Nursing App PreceptMe Wins ZuVenturez
December 02, 2015
APU’s entrepreneurial workshop and business plan competition, ZuVenturez, came to a conclusion on the night of Nov. 17.
The seven remaining teams gave their final pitches before the audience and judge panel, all competing for the $15,000 grand prize money to launch their own businesses.
Overheard at APU: Humorous or Needless?
December 02, 2015
Facebook group “Overheard at APU” houses over 3,700 members. After being accepted into the group, subscribers may relate all they would like upon the page’s feed, confident their message will reach a significant portion of the student body.
The group’s description relates its mission statement, “For those precious moments when you overhear or oversee something hilarious on campus.”
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